About us

The company "Perfect Sales Academy" is a high-quality provider of training and business consultations founded in spring 2001.

The founder and director of the company "Perfect Sales Academy" is Armands Abelitis (Armands Ābelītis), who is one of the best experts in sales, customer service and management in Baltic States.

The company "Perfect Sales Academy" is offering both to attend open (public) seminars and to develop an individual corporative training project taking into account specifics of company operation and current necessities of training. In fourteen years since foundation of the company we have been working a lot and we have held more than 2000 exciting corporative training projects for enterprises of different business areas.

Armands Abelitis has over 29 years of practical experience in trade and trade management. 19 years of experience in business consultations has given an opportunity for him to develop different level training programmes based on praxis. Armands Abelitis is a sales person – charismatic personality – an inspirer, who talks to his listeners using simple and understandable language and providing many striking and practical examples from everyday life of a sales person or manager. Armands Abelitis has a good sense of humour and actor talent.

"You can never fall asleep in the training sessions provided by Armands Abelitis!"

The training business colleagues tell the following about him: "Armands Abelitis – it is like a "brand"!" Many thanks to our colleagues for the compliment, I can’t disagree with them because it is truth and that’s how customers recognize our company. Please read one of definitions of the word "brand" below:

"Brand – it is a trademark that can be identified in mass consciousness. This definition highlights the factor that associations related to the brand have to be understandable for a large number of people."

More than 45 000 participants have taken part in trainings provided by Armands Abelitis both in Baltic States and outside Baltic region. Thanks to a successful implementation of training projects and our customer recommendations to other entrepreneurs, during the last nine years Armands Abelitis is developing projects and providing training sessions for companies in Belarus (Minsk) and Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Saratov, Rostov, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Cherepovets, Tyumen and Kaliningrad).

To get inspiration, new ideas and energy for the training courses Armands Abelitis spends his free time going on trips together with his family and playing golf.

By cooperating with the company "Perfect Sales Academy" You will get a good service, larger profits and always satisfied customers!

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Best regards,
"Perfect Sales Academy" Team

EFEKTĪVA KLIENTU APKALPOŠANA (Likums Nr. 1 - Ja mēs nerūpējamies par klientu... to izdarīs kāds cits!) 2016. gada 13. jūnijsPĀRRUNU VEŠANAS PRASMES / MENEDŽMENTA ABC 2 (Darbinieku darba efektivitātes izvērtēšana un  kā veikt produktīvas pārrunas ar darbiniekiem) 2016. gada 28. jūnijsMENEDŽMENTA ABC  (Ko darbinieki sagaida no vadītāja) 2016. gada 14. jūnijsEFEKTĪVA PĀRDOŠANA (Kā pārdot vērtību, nevis cenu) 2016. gada 6. jūnijsDARBS AR GRŪTO KLIENTU  (Iebildumi - pārdevēja labākie draugi)  2016. gada 7. jūnijs
EFEKTĪVA KLIENTU APKALPOŠANA (Likums Nr. 1 - Ja mēs nerūpējamies par klientu... to izdarīs kāds cits!) 2016. gada 13. jūnijs
PĀRRUNU VEŠANAS PRASMES / MENEDŽMENTA ABC 2 (Darbinieku darba efektivitātes izvērtēšana un kā veikt produktīvas pārrunas ar darbiniekiem) 2016. gada 28. jūnijs
MENEDŽMENTA ABC (Ko darbinieki sagaida no vadītāja) 2016. gada 14. jūnijs
EFEKTĪVA PĀRDOŠANA (Kā pārdot vērtību, nevis cenu) 2016. gada 6. jūnijs
DARBS AR GRŪTO KLIENTU (Iebildumi - pārdevēja labākie draugi) 2016. gada 7. jūnijs