Corporate training


Cell phone: +371 27094441


   Corporative training is one of the strengths of the company "Perfect Sales Academy". At our place you will learn successful management, sales and customer service skills taking into account the specifics of your enterprise working area.

   In fourteen years since foundation of the company we have been working a lot and we have held more than 2000 exciting corporative training projects for enterprises of different business areas.

   Before making of a corporative training project we interact with representatives of Your company to get to know mission, standards, current business state and future goals of Your company and that gives us a clear impression to evaluate, what level training programme is necessary for employees of the particular company.

   During the training project we provide each participant of the training session with thorough training materials that let them concentrate and follow the message of the teacher, as well as continue educating after the training is over. We organize the training as lectures and we supplement them with striking and practical examples from everyday life, so that we help the participants to get a clear view about using of the training knowledge in real everyday work.

   Customers of "Perfect Sales Academy" highly evaluate the offered training programmes that help to be competitive in the challenging business era of 21st century. Nothing will be able to replace a well-trained employee! Money for advertising will be wasted, if Your customers will face a department leader or sales representative, who can’t professionally present himself/herself, Your product or enterprise. Every personality of the company must have excellent skills to get a positive response at the end of the initiated conversation.

   The leading lecturer of the company "Perfect Sales Academy" Armands Abelitis can inspire, teach and motivate the audience so good that his listeners can’t wait, when they will be able to get back to their working environment to start using strategies and tactics obtained in the training sessions.

   Attending of training programmes offered by "Perfect Sales Academy" will increase skills of Your employees and they will be ready to work together as united and productive team with a common goal. In addition, invaluable benefit will also be the fact that employees will be thankful for Your investment in their professional growth and it will motivate them to be more productive in Your company.

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MENEDŽMENTA ABC  (Ko darbinieki sagaida no vadītāja) 2016. gada 14. jūnijsPĀRRUNU VEŠANAS PRASMES / MENEDŽMENTA ABC 2 (Darbinieku darba efektivitātes izvērtēšana un  kā veikt produktīvas pārrunas ar darbiniekiem) 2016. gada 28. jūnijsEFEKTĪVA PĀRDOŠANA (Kā pārdot vērtību, nevis cenu) 2016. gada 6. jūnijsDARBS AR GRŪTO KLIENTU  (Iebildumi - pārdevēja labākie draugi)  2016. gada 7. jūnijsEFEKTĪVA KLIENTU APKALPOŠANA (Likums Nr. 1 - Ja mēs nerūpējamies par klientu... to izdarīs kāds cits!) 2016. gada 13. jūnijs
MENEDŽMENTA ABC (Ko darbinieki sagaida no vadītāja) 2016. gada 14. jūnijs
PĀRRUNU VEŠANAS PRASMES / MENEDŽMENTA ABC 2 (Darbinieku darba efektivitātes izvērtēšana un kā veikt produktīvas pārrunas ar darbiniekiem) 2016. gada 28. jūnijs
EFEKTĪVA PĀRDOŠANA (Kā pārdot vērtību, nevis cenu) 2016. gada 6. jūnijs
DARBS AR GRŪTO KLIENTU (Iebildumi - pārdevēja labākie draugi) 2016. gada 7. jūnijs
EFEKTĪVA KLIENTU APKALPOŠANA (Likums Nr. 1 - Ja mēs nerūpējamies par klientu... to izdarīs kāds cits!) 2016. gada 13. jūnijs