
Nowadays the most important resource of the company – people – is appreciated more and more. The company can develop and meet its goals only with professional employees, especially in present circumstances of competitiveness. In the company Verners VT Ltd. the intellectual capital is highly appreciated, therefore we take care of continuous professional development of our employees. Our priority is an efficient and individual customer service ensuring successful and long-term co-operation with them.
We chose the program “Eight Stages of a Successful Deal” offered by “Perfect Sales Academy” thanks to good references about sales training led by Armands Ābelītis. This two day seminar was a pleasant surprise for us, the material was taught in an easy to grasp language with numerous examples and active involvement of participants in the training process. It has to be mentioned that Armands Ābelītis has a surprising ability to carry away and rouse interest of every training participant, thus allowing each person to make important conclusions. Armands Ābelītis is a person of great attraction with a good sense of humour that created free and positive environment during those two days.
We are planning to continue co-operation with Armands Ābelītis in order to ensure professional growth of all our sales people
Aija Draudiņa
For 12 years EASTCON has already been co-operating with “Perfect Sales Academy” organizing training and motivation seminars for our sales people. We have achieved good results. Increase of turnover and our popularity among the wider public is evidence for this. Your seminars undoubtedly have helped our sales people to increase the turnover, analyze their sales techniques, and evaluate current efficiency of their work. These seminars could be suggested to any company that is interested in growth and work quality of its employees.
“Good advice is worth gold”, says Latvian saying. Therefore we would like to say thank you, Armands, on behalf of all our employees for the co-operation, and we hope to entrust training of our employees to you also in future
Jānis Vulāns
Our team is engaged in retail of presents, currently we have 5 shops operating successfully, they are located in the leading shopping centres of Riga: “Mols”, “Alfa”, “Origo”, “Spice” and “Centrs” with the name “Smileland” and “Tedy”.
We do appreciate our customers – the customer has to receive what he or she wants in order that they return again. I would like to stress that generally our shop assistants are very nice and good, and they receive good references from our customers. However we decided to take “Mystery Shopping” tests in all our shops, inviting the professional team of “Perfect Sales Academy” (I chose “Perfect Sales Academy” as I was sure that they are convincing and do their work in a professional manner).
The tests showed that a smile and apparent knowledge is not enough. In sales, nuances are important, they have to be taken into account, if you want to work professionally and be successful long term. Therefore we decided to take intense training “Orientation towards Customers”. The purpose of the training was to educate and provide deeper insight into the art of sales; motivate and show how significant is the role of a sales person in relation towards the customer.
The gain provided by the training is considerable: the turnover has increased in average by 30%, and I would like to stress that it has taken a stable position. The sales persons themselves are confident about what they do and are proud of the results ensured by their professionalism.
Note: After training we have taken the 1st place in shopping centre “SPICE”, and one of the shop assistants of “Centrs” took the 1st place among all shop assistants at “Centrs”. This competition was carried out by independent experts of the shopping centre “Centrs”
Normunds Beika
Current business reality in Latvia is that everyone wishing to improve the development of his or her business has to find a common language with their potential customers. The training seminar “Efficient sales” offered by “Perfect Sales Academy” was unexpectedly interesting and educational. An attractive and easy to grasp seminar with bright examples showed the image of “Agriamtco Latvia” staff from the viewpoint of the customers very well. I am confident that such a manner of teaching is remembered by the human brain for a long time. Things that seemed insignificant in the sales process before the training now seem the most necessary when talking to a business partner and developing long-term co-operation.
But there is still something very important that makes this seminar so different and valuable - theoretical substantiation was based on the situations with which we – sales people – meet in our daily work.
We would like to say special thanks to Armands Ābelītis for high standard of teaching, excellent examples and easy to grasp visual aids.
Māra Bisniece
We would like to express our gratitude to the company “Perfect Sales Academy” and personally to Armands Ābelītis for the excellent training course “Eight Stages of a Successful Deal”.
We thank A. Ābelītis for his attractive and professional teaching style that made us feel positive and laugh throughout the two days of learning as well as obtain professional skills necessary for work. We obtained the knowledge from the person who applies this knowledge in practice.
In conditions of severe competitiveness it is very valuable to get advice from knowing, practical people and A. Ābelītis is such a person.
Aldis Škutāns
An international express delivery company TNT is one of the leading dispatch companies in the word, and TNT Latvia Ltd. as a regional company rapidly develops in the market of Latvia.

I am a Sales Manager of TNT Latvia Ltd. and I have the duty to offer our customers the services of our company and carry out professional service of customers. I benefited greately from the opportunity to attend the “Perfect Sales Academy” seminar “Efficient Sales Orientated towards Customers” led by an excellent trainer and a professional sales person Director of “Perfect Sales Academy” – Armands Ābelītis.

I would like to say thank you for the knowledge obtained at the seminar, for responsiveness and additional consultations. Thanks to them I have acquired additional knowledge, new knowledge and an efficient advice, as well as professional answers to my questions about sales and customers service.

This summer the knowledge obtained at the “Perfect Sales Academy” seminar helped me to win and get the 1st place at the internal TNT world championship among all 280 sales employees of TNT from 26 countries in the area of attracting new customers and closing deals. And I would like to express my gratitude to “Perfect Sales Academy” Director Armands Ābelītis for provided valuable knowledge.
Valters Freidenfelds
Professionalism of the lecturer, ability to illustrate theoretical explanations with practical examples, analysis of typical and untypical situations allowed looking at seemingly known and “insignificant” matters in a completely different light and it persuaded me to think that there are no trifle things in the sales process.
I am sure that after participation at this seminar Joint Stock Company “Rīgas siltums” employees as well as customers are both going to be winners
V. Ilguns
27 employees of our company took part at the seminar. The issues discussed at the seminar caused lively interest and responsiveness in all participants regardless of their different work experience - starting with those who have joined us only recently and up to “old-timers” who have worked for the company for 25 and more years. It is undoubtedly a merit of the trainer Armands Ābelītis. His exciting and attractive manner of teaching made already known truths appear in a different and unexpected light. He is a professional.
Edīte Helmane
Employees of the Joint Stock Company Lode Distribution Department express their gratitude to the company “Perfect Sales Academy” and personally to Armands Ābelītis for the training program “Efficient Sales Orientated towards Customers” that took place on May 16-17, 2003.
The training program highlighted the role of customer service organization, exchange of information and discussion in communication to our customers, and this material was presented in a simple and easy to grasp manner.
We were happy for the lecturer’s ability to hold the attention of the participants for several hours with his interesting narration, useful information and exciting facts.
After the two day seminar we became more knowing and confident. Practical daily work examples that were presented at the seminar helped us to learn to guide conversation without getting confused in different situations. And this is an advantage not only during the sales process and conversation with a customer, but also in any other process of exchange of information and in decision making.
The knowledge obtained is a good basis for professional and successful service that we render to our customers.
The usefulness of the training course is evidenced by undeniable facts – next week after the seminar the sales volume of the Joint Stock Company “Lode” increased by 17% if compared to the previous weeks.
Valdis Zariņš
DT Mobile Ltd. wishes to express its gratitude for excellently organized training seminars to different levels of company’s staff in the areas of “Efficient Management” and “Efficient Sales” in October, 2002.
As the topics of the seminar and the issues to be reviewed were numerous, we initially had little doubt about the possibility to qualitatively review and acquire all the information related to the seminar in such a short period of time. But the doubt was straightened out at the beginning of the seminar by a professionally prepared program and convincing, enthusiastic and easy to grasp manner of organizing the seminar.
Additionally, we have to mention the high evaluation of the seminar and references received from the employees who attended it. This confirmed once again that high quality seminars and training give our employees not only great opportunities to increase their awareness but also to provide even a bigger contribution to the development of the company. This training seminar served as a very good motivation in everyday routine of the employees and multiplied their growth possibilities in the future
Uldis Priedītis
I would like to thank your for co-operation with Armands Ābelītis. Theoretical part and practical activities of the seminar “Eight Stages of a Visit” were presented professionally and they proved to be useful in increasing my sales performance.
The seminar program was highly professional, there was a good contact with the audience, and the sense of a team was created. The trainer revealed main factors that help to ensure efficient sales process – eight stages of a visit.
The seminar gave me assurance about my skills, changed my attitude towards myself and my work, I have become successful.
The knowledge obtained at the seminar expanded my personal skills and professional performance.
Especially I would like to emphasize the fact that the seminar held by Armands Ābelītis gave an impulsive charge that directly affected my sales indicators. My sales volume increased by 29% in July 2003 in comparison to sales volume in June and by 39% in comparison to July of the previous year. Great projects were implemented and successful deals made. Co-operation with “Perfect Sales Academy” has given a motto to my live: “If you could start your life anew today, what would you do differently? Find an answer to this question and start doing it today
Dans Hadaņonoks
I would like to express my gratitude to Armands Ābelītis, the Director and trainer of “Perfect Sales Academy” for a three day training program “Efficient Sales Orientated towards Customers”.
Previously I have met Mr. Ābelītis when I and my colleague, both of the Joint Stock Company “Dobeles Dzirnavnieks”, participated in “Sales School” program at “Radisson SAS” in Riga.
Later I suggested organizing such training program only for marketing and sales employees of the Joint Stock Company “Dobeles Dzirnavnieks”, 18 people in total.
The Joint Stock company “Dobeles Dzirnavnieks” produces and sells 40 000 tons of high quality combined fodder for agricultural animals in the market of Latvia. We have become leaders in this market. Two moths have already passed since we attended the program, and I am pleased to observe how our trained marketing and sales employees use the acquired knowledge in their everyday work communicating with customers and colleagues.
Our sales centres are located in 9 regions of Latvia, the training seminar attendants work as managers and sales agents there. In these two months in comparison to the previous two years the sales of combined fodder has increased considerably. In 2001 it was 95.6%, in 2002 – 100% and in 2003 – already 119.4%. I consider that it would be useful for the Joint Stock Company “Dobeles Dzirnavnieks” to continue our co-operation and organize a 3 day training program for marketing and sales personnel. We could develop a training program and agree on details of it in advance.
Sandris Pliska
Our employees received exhaustive information on how to use some sales methods in a more efficient way in order to increase company’s profit, and to win and retain customers for a long-term cooperation, thus ensuring not only profit but also prestige.
During the seminar all participants were involved in workshops, and this allowed us to apply the theoretical knowledge received at lecture phase; participants analyzed different difficult situations that sales people encounter while working with customers/clients and were looking for solutions.
The above mentioned training encouraged us to improve company’s quality management system, to make our company recognizable and to establish a unitary client service style.
Our employees were really satisfied with the information they had received at the seminar, they enjoyed the exciting way this information was presented. After the seminar economic indicators of the company changed considerably: sales volume has increased twice and tractor sales volume has increased by 34% this year. The knowledge gained at the seminar helped us during „M.T.Z. – Serviss” Ltd. quality management standard 9001:2000 external audit as after this course we had been paying a special attention to customer satisfaction. This really is an evidence for high professionalism of „Perfect Sales Academy” and company’s Director Armands Ābelītis
V. Zagoruiko
„Perfect Sales Academy” efficient sales program was developed in compliance with the needs and requirements of our company. After training our medical sales representatives told us that they have become more persuasive, skillful and enthusiastic in sales. This training gave an immediate result: it consolidated the team and brought their sales performance to a new and higher level. I believe that the resources that our company has invested in training will bring growth in sales performance over next few months. This is an important step towards getting more efficient and professional compared to our competitors.
Normunds Plešs
The seminar was interesting and it took place at the right time and in the right place, the material was well prepared and presented in a very exciting and easy to grasp language.
References of our pharmacists:
After the seminar I serve my customers more successfully and understand the nature and importance of sales process;
I learned to sell expensive medicine;
I learned to use the right words;
Now I understand customers’ desires better;
I can sell more now;
I came to a very important conclusion that the result depends on my attitude 90% and on the event - only 10%;
The more information I gather about the customer the more satisfied my customer is going to be;
I realized how important it is to find out customer’s desires and to explain the product in a language that the customer understands;
I first saw that sales is a creative process;
Now I present my customers an opportunity to choose;
I started to offer a wider range of products;
After asking questions to the customer I can offer the right medicine;
Now I am paying more attention to setting questions;
At last now I can sort out and organize all the information that I have picked up earlier;

Thank you, indeed, for this successful seminar! We are charged with a lot of positive motivation and energy for successful work with our customers. You taught us to look at our daily work from a different angle and find a lot of creativeness in it, and now it all depends on us how we proceed.
Anita Ozoliņa
This seminar program was developed and tailored according to the needs of our sales department and it was organized at a high level.
The trainer interacted with the work group, thus involving participants in situations and analysis of the situations, which helped them to acquire proficiency and competence in their respective areas. This training style attracted and involved, it made the participants to think and participate. The trainer was able to retain group’s interest and helped us to look at things that we were so much used to, from a different angle, thus giving us a lot of inspiration. All participants rated the seminar ‘excellent’! We received positive energy and an impulse to reach even higher results.
This seminar was an answer to our needs; it gave us knowledge, competence and a practical approach to their application in our daily work. Now it is our part to apply and practice all this amidst our daily routine.
Inese Kronberga
„Amaija” Ltd. is the largest distributor of children’s food and childcare products in Latvia. This is the first time in company’s history when all employees who work in sales and directly with customers attend a professional sales training program. Our business is a specific one and our market is quite limited, so I am very pleased that this training program was tailored just for our needs.
I am satisfied with the preparation stage, which proved that your company cares for the best interests of the customer. I would even say that the preparation stage actually was an introduction to sales training program.
I’d like to point out the fact that the trainer not only teaches sales methods and importance of human communication to the audience, but also acts in accordance with this theory himself. His attitude is a positive example of how we should build relationships in order to ensure a successful sales process. Especially we appreciated positive attitude of the trainer towards the audience, we can sense its impact even now.
Our colleagues who attended the seminar were satisfied with it and received motivation impulse to improve their performance.
I am very satisfied with the seminar and the results. Many things that I used to do instinctively, now have received theoretical justification, and I am practicing all newly gained knowledge at my work. Trainer’s suggestions about time management and telephone talk management have been especially useful to me.
We would like to continue our cooperation in order to promote growth of our company and perfection of skills of our employees.
Dr. Irēna Putniņa
„Alan Ltd” has been cooperating with „Perfect Sales Academy”, represented by company’s training specialist and Director Armands Ābelītis, since 27th May 2005. Armands Ābelītis is the one who we have to thank for this successful cooperation, we know him as a person whose attitude towards cooperation partners and customers is exceptional. Armands Ābelītis has held several „Alan Ltd” corporate seminars on sales and management, and he trained more than 70 of our employees. He participated in development and implementation stages of training projects, and we are delighted that each one of these training projects proved to be successful. Armands Ābelītis has established a wonderful image for „Perfect Sales Academy” in the eyes of „Alan Ltd” thanks to his sense of duty, professionalism and communication skills, and this why we are interested in long term cooperation with „Perfect Sales Academy”.
Evija Reiniņa
Our company cooperates with „Perfect Sales Academy” for the third year already, and we consider this company to be our cooperation partner and a good and constructive adviser.
Our sales team training seminars led by Armands Ābelītis have given our sales team specific and practical advice. At present a sales person is also a customer’s business adviser and when the customer is successful both sides are satisfied. This is the approach offered to sales representatives at „Perfect Sales Academy” seminars.
We have organized 3 two day seminars for shop assistants at „RITO” store. Increase in sales volume is the best evidence for training efficiency. We are really delighted that our sales volume increased by more than 20% after the training. We are confident that the successful training process has contributed to this increase and we are going to continue this training.
Inese Mičule
We would like to express our appreciation to „Discovery World” Ltd. for successful cooperation during which they assessed professionalism of „Akvedukts” and brought about improvements in this area.
Through carefully chosen strategy – illustrative examples, dynamic teaching style and active involvement of participants - training program “Efficient Sales” improves participant’s professionalism and promotes practical application of the acquired knowledge.
Unconstrained seminar atmosphere promotes involvement of participants in this exciting process based on simplicity and emotional elements, and it helps to consolidate the information in memory.
Though this is our first cooperation with „Discovery World” Ltd. we hope to cooperate with them again in developing professional skills of „Akvedukts” employees.
Ilona Eglīte
MENEDŽMENTA ABC  (Ko darbinieki sagaida no vadītāja) 2016. gada 14. jūnijsDARBS AR GRŪTO KLIENTU  (Iebildumi - pārdevēja labākie draugi)  2016. gada 7. jūnijsEFEKTĪVA PĀRDOŠANA (Kā pārdot vērtību, nevis cenu) 2016. gada 6. jūnijsPĀRRUNU VEŠANAS PRASMES / MENEDŽMENTA ABC 2 (Darbinieku darba efektivitātes izvērtēšana un  kā veikt produktīvas pārrunas ar darbiniekiem) 2016. gada 28. jūnijsEFEKTĪVA KLIENTU APKALPOŠANA (Likums Nr. 1 - Ja mēs nerūpējamies par klientu... to izdarīs kāds cits!) 2016. gada 13. jūnijs
MENEDŽMENTA ABC (Ko darbinieki sagaida no vadītāja) 2016. gada 14. jūnijs
DARBS AR GRŪTO KLIENTU (Iebildumi - pārdevēja labākie draugi) 2016. gada 7. jūnijs
EFEKTĪVA PĀRDOŠANA (Kā pārdot vērtību, nevis cenu) 2016. gada 6. jūnijs
PĀRRUNU VEŠANAS PRASMES / MENEDŽMENTA ABC 2 (Darbinieku darba efektivitātes izvērtēšana un kā veikt produktīvas pārrunas ar darbiniekiem) 2016. gada 28. jūnijs
EFEKTĪVA KLIENTU APKALPOŠANA (Likums Nr. 1 - Ja mēs nerūpējamies par klientu... to izdarīs kāds cits!) 2016. gada 13. jūnijs