DT Mobile

DT Mobile Ltd. wishes to express its gratitude for excellently organized training seminars to different levels of company’s staff in the areas of “Efficient Management” and “Efficient Sales” in October, 2002.
As the topics of the seminar and the issues to be reviewed were numerous, we initially had little doubt about the possibility to qualitatively review and acquire all the information related to the seminar in such a short period of time. But the doubt was straightened out at the beginning of the seminar by a professionally prepared program and convincing, enthusiastic and easy to grasp manner of organizing the seminar.
Additionally, we have to mention the high evaluation of the seminar and references received from the employees who attended it. This confirmed once again that high quality seminars and training give our employees not only great opportunities to increase their awareness but also to provide even a bigger contribution to the development of the company. This training seminar served as a very good motivation in everyday routine of the employees and multiplied their growth possibilities in the future
Uldis Priedītis
“DT Mobile”, Ltd. wishes to thank you for training seminars for company’s all-level employees on the topics of “Effective management” and “Effective Sales” that you organized and conducted in such an excellent way in October.

As the range of seminar topics and of discussed matters was very wide, we at first had some worries about the potency to qualitatively discuss and master all seminar information, yet at the very beginning of the seminar these worries were dissipated, thanks both to professionally elaborated seminar program, and to lecturer’s convincing, exciting and intelligible seminar presentation.

In addition, we cannot but mention high evaluation of the seminar and testimonials received from the employees of the company that attended the seminar, they confirmed once again the fact, that high quality seminar and training organization does not only give the employees great opportunities to learn, and make an even greater contribution to the development of the company, but is also a good motivation in employees’ everyday life and increases their growth opportunities even in the future.

We thank you again and look for further successful cooperation in the nearest future,
Uldis Prieditis
I have been to different seminars, but exactly the one that you conducted stroke me greatly because the information was presented in a very attractive way, simply and understandable. Scores of examples helped me to understand the very process. After this seminar I will pay more attention to how I serve others and how I am served! Thank you!
Baiba Bezdelīga
Educational and easy perceptible because all of the affirmations were grounded and explained using very good examples. Psychology was included too, that is one of the most important factors to be able to understand customer and his wants. There was a lot of humour that made this seminar more interesting.
Ingūna Gertnere
It was educational and easy to perceive, because all the statements were substantiated and explained with very good examples. It also included psychology, which is definitely one of the most significant factors in understanding the customers and their wants. There was no shortage of humour, which made the seminar even more interesting.
Inguna Gertnere
MENEDŽMENTA ABC  (Ko darbinieki sagaida no vadītāja) 2016. gada 14. jūnijsEFEKTĪVA PĀRDOŠANA (Kā pārdot vērtību, nevis cenu) 2016. gada 6. jūnijsDARBS AR GRŪTO KLIENTU  (Iebildumi - pārdevēja labākie draugi)  2016. gada 7. jūnijsPĀRRUNU VEŠANAS PRASMES / MENEDŽMENTA ABC 2 (Darbinieku darba efektivitātes izvērtēšana un  kā veikt produktīvas pārrunas ar darbiniekiem) 2016. gada 28. jūnijsEFEKTĪVA KLIENTU APKALPOŠANA (Likums Nr. 1 - Ja mēs nerūpējamies par klientu... to izdarīs kāds cits!) 2016. gada 13. jūnijs
MENEDŽMENTA ABC (Ko darbinieki sagaida no vadītāja) 2016. gada 14. jūnijs
EFEKTĪVA PĀRDOŠANA (Kā pārdot vērtību, nevis cenu) 2016. gada 6. jūnijs
DARBS AR GRŪTO KLIENTU (Iebildumi - pārdevēja labākie draugi) 2016. gada 7. jūnijs
PĀRRUNU VEŠANAS PRASMES / MENEDŽMENTA ABC 2 (Darbinieku darba efektivitātes izvērtēšana un kā veikt produktīvas pārrunas ar darbiniekiem) 2016. gada 28. jūnijs
EFEKTĪVA KLIENTU APKALPOŠANA (Likums Nr. 1 - Ja mēs nerūpējamies par klientu... to izdarīs kāds cits!) 2016. gada 13. jūnijs