Rīgas Dzirnavnieks

Director of „Perfect Sales” Armands Ābelītis led a business consulting seminar „Efficient Sales Orientated towards Customers” for „Rīgas Dzirnavnieks” marketing, trade and sales personnel.
Sales Managers, Regional Sales Managers, sales representatives and bakers – consultants, altogether 8 people attended this seminar, and they represented both business directions of Joint Stock Company „Rīgas Dzirnavnieks” - B2B and B2C product sales. All seminar participants had different knowledge level, different work experience, but they all found a lot of useful information that they could apply in their daily work. The seminar was presented in a simple manner, which made it easy to grasp. The trainer shared many examples out of his personal experience, the topics raised at the seminar were discussed interactively, which ensured exchange of opinions and exchange of experience among seminar participants, thus consolidating the acquired knowledge.

Activities were based on every day situations, which we are going to use when preparing materials for several chapters of our sales manual. Seminar participants told that for them most important were the following topics - „approach strategies”, „sell solution to the customer”, „overcoming objections”.

Several seminar participants had an opportunity to apply acquired knowledge immediately. Our customers as well as colleagues and seminar participants themselves noticed and appreciated qualitative changes in their work after the training.

„Rīgas Dzirnavnieks” wishes “Perfect Sales” to retain and to improve further their training quality and we are planning to enjoy „Perfect Sales” services in the future too.
Māris Ērmanis
“Perfect Sales” director Armands Ābelītis has conducted business consulting seminar Customer Oriented Sales for “Rīgas Dzirnavnieks” joint-stock company marketing and sales department staff on the 2 and 3 November of this year. 8 people in total, both sales managers and bakers-consultants, who represent both of “Rīgas Dzirnavnieks” joint-stock company business directions – B2B and B2C products sales, took part in the seminar.

The seminar listeners had different level of knowledge and work experience, but each of them found topics, that interested them, for daily practice. The seminar was most perceptible because of the way of presentation. The consultant used many practical examples, and also discussed topics in the form dialogue. It ensured also thought and experience exchange between the seminar participants, consolidating the acquired knowledge.

The practical work was based on examples applicable day-to-day, that will be used for the development of several chapters necessary for the sales manual. The most useful topics, noted by the seminar participants were Approach strategies , Solution sale to the customer , Overcoming objections .

Several seminar participants had great opportunity to immediately practice the acquired knowledge. The qualitative changes in the staff work were noticed both by customers, and coworkers, as well as by seminar participants them-selves.

“Rīgas Dzirnavnieks” joint-stock company wishes you to keep and raise training quality. Moreover, we plan to further use Perfect Sales services.
Māris Ērmanis
DARBS AR GRŪTO KLIENTU  (Iebildumi - pārdevēja labākie draugi)  2016. gada 7. jūnijsMENEDŽMENTA ABC  (Ko darbinieki sagaida no vadītāja) 2016. gada 14. jūnijsEFEKTĪVA PĀRDOŠANA (Kā pārdot vērtību, nevis cenu) 2016. gada 6. jūnijsPĀRRUNU VEŠANAS PRASMES / MENEDŽMENTA ABC 2 (Darbinieku darba efektivitātes izvērtēšana un  kā veikt produktīvas pārrunas ar darbiniekiem) 2016. gada 28. jūnijsEFEKTĪVA KLIENTU APKALPOŠANA (Likums Nr. 1 - Ja mēs nerūpējamies par klientu... to izdarīs kāds cits!) 2016. gada 13. jūnijs
DARBS AR GRŪTO KLIENTU (Iebildumi - pārdevēja labākie draugi) 2016. gada 7. jūnijs
MENEDŽMENTA ABC (Ko darbinieki sagaida no vadītāja) 2016. gada 14. jūnijs
EFEKTĪVA PĀRDOŠANA (Kā pārdot vērtību, nevis cenu) 2016. gada 6. jūnijs
PĀRRUNU VEŠANAS PRASMES / MENEDŽMENTA ABC 2 (Darbinieku darba efektivitātes izvērtēšana un kā veikt produktīvas pārrunas ar darbiniekiem) 2016. gada 28. jūnijs
EFEKTĪVA KLIENTU APKALPOŠANA (Likums Nr. 1 - Ja mēs nerūpējamies par klientu... to izdarīs kāds cits!) 2016. gada 13. jūnijs