
I would like to thank your for co-operation with Armands Ābelītis. Theoretical part and practical activities of the seminar “Eight Stages of a Visit” were presented professionally and they proved to be useful in increasing my sales performance.
The seminar program was highly professional, there was a good contact with the audience, and the sense of a team was created. The trainer revealed main factors that help to ensure efficient sales process – eight stages of a visit.
The seminar gave me assurance about my skills, changed my attitude towards myself and my work, I have become successful.
The knowledge obtained at the seminar expanded my personal skills and professional performance.
Especially I would like to emphasize the fact that the seminar held by Armands Ābelītis gave an impulsive charge that directly affected my sales indicators. My sales volume increased by 29% in July 2003 in comparison to sales volume in June and by 39% in comparison to July of the previous year. Great projects were implemented and successful deals made. Co-operation with “Perfect Sales” has given a motto to my live: “If you could start your life anew today, what would you do differently? Find an answer to this question and start doing it today
Dans Hadaņonoks
I would like to thank Armands Abelitis for our cooperation. The substance and practical exercises of the sales training “Eight stages of a visit” were presented in a professional way and will benefit my sales figures growth.

The seminar program was presented with high professional s there was good rapport with the audience, a team feeling. The main factors that help ensuring effectiveness of the sales process – of the eight stages of visit – have been revealed.

The seminar as a whole has given me self-reliance, changed my attitude towards my-self and my work, I have become successful.

The knowledge presented at the seminar (the seminar was conducted in Roya 06-07.07.2003) has increased my personal abilities and professional activity.

I would like to particularly emphasize that Armands Abelitis’s seminar gives impulsive charge, which has a direct impact on sales figures. My sales volume in July 2003 has increased by 29% compared to June, but compared to July of last year – by 39%. Big projects have been accomplished and successful deals have been closed.

The cooperation with Perfect Sales has given my life a motto:
“If you could start your life from scratch, what would you be doing differently? Answer this question and start doing it today”.
Dans Hadanyonoks
DARBS AR GRŪTO KLIENTU  (Iebildumi - pārdevēja labākie draugi)  2016. gada 7. jūnijsEFEKTĪVA KLIENTU APKALPOŠANA (Likums Nr. 1 - Ja mēs nerūpējamies par klientu... to izdarīs kāds cits!) 2016. gada 13. jūnijsMENEDŽMENTA ABC  (Ko darbinieki sagaida no vadītāja) 2016. gada 14. jūnijsPĀRRUNU VEŠANAS PRASMES / MENEDŽMENTA ABC 2 (Darbinieku darba efektivitātes izvērtēšana un  kā veikt produktīvas pārrunas ar darbiniekiem) 2016. gada 28. jūnijsEFEKTĪVA PĀRDOŠANA (Kā pārdot vērtību, nevis cenu) 2016. gada 6. jūnijs
DARBS AR GRŪTO KLIENTU (Iebildumi - pārdevēja labākie draugi) 2016. gada 7. jūnijs
EFEKTĪVA KLIENTU APKALPOŠANA (Likums Nr. 1 - Ja mēs nerūpējamies par klientu... to izdarīs kāds cits!) 2016. gada 13. jūnijs
MENEDŽMENTA ABC (Ko darbinieki sagaida no vadītāja) 2016. gada 14. jūnijs
PĀRRUNU VEŠANAS PRASMES / MENEDŽMENTA ABC 2 (Darbinieku darba efektivitātes izvērtēšana un kā veikt produktīvas pārrunas ar darbiniekiem) 2016. gada 28. jūnijs
EFEKTĪVA PĀRDOŠANA (Kā pārdot vērtību, nevis cenu) 2016. gada 6. jūnijs